Santa Clara University Student Recruitment Catalog
Accent Opaque RE-30 Smooth 80 lb. Cover, Accent Opaque RE-30 Smooth 80 lb. Text
Watermark Press, RR Donnelly
Michael Patrick Partners

The Overview
An Aspirational Message for Prospective Students
Young people graduate from college expecting to change the world. Santa Clara University has devoted 150 years to empowering its students to do just that: to effect change and to build a more humane, just, and sustainable world from the most innovative place on earth: Silicon Valley. They looked to Michael Patrick Partners to write and design key recruiting materials that would communicate this to prospective students.

The Details
Getting to the Heart of the Story
Michael Patrick Partners developed content and design to tell a compelling story to prospective students and their parents about SCU undergraduate life inside and outside the classroom.

The Results
An Award-Winning Catalog
Results included an early applicant pool that set records in terms of both quantity and quality. The campaign was recognized with multiple honors, including awards from the American Advertising Awards, the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the University College and Designers Association (UCDA). Best of all, it received a “job well done” from SCU Admissions.