Lindenmeyr Munroe Mailer
Accent Opaque 80 lb. Text Warm White Smooth

The Overview
Open for Business
Lindenmeyr Munroe, a leading independent paper provider, takes pride in its U.S. storefronts. And as businesses began to re-open in the aftermath of COVID-19, we collaborated with Sylvamo and Lindenmeyr Munroe to create an eye-catching mailer to announce their re-opening and invite their customers back to their newly reopened locations.

The Details
Pop-Up Mailer
We decided to create a pop-up mailer. Typically, pop-ups involve a complex process, but this design is both simple and cost-effective. One sheet is a flat-folded card while another die-cut sheet sits on top. Using variable data, the closest storefront information would populate for each recipient throughout the U.S.

The Results
Pop Into Your Local Store
With a retro look, feel and colors, along with a template from Fold Factory, the pop-up mailer was designed to replicate the look of a Lindenmeyr Munroe store. A cornerstone of the design is the “Open” sign, which reminds customers their local shops are open and they’re invited to pop in.